May 5th, 2013 MM - forked from "Walking SLIP" notebook
May 16th, 2013 MM - bughunting: comparison between "wrapped" (circular-invariant) and "original" model gives slightly different results - this must not be the case. [edit: solved - that was a tricky one!]
May 31th, 2013 MM - moved to server, added to SVN ... continued bughunting
June 4th, 2013 MM - fixed bug (finally?), found quasiperiodic circular walking solution
June 14th, 2013 MM - searched and analyzed some fixed points
June 27th, 2013 MM - started re-organization (for fixpoint mappings)
July 1st, 2013 MM - cleaned up notebook
July 10th, 2013 MM - continued preparations for mapping; introduced fixed energy solutions
July 11th, 2013 MM - hangling on the edge of stable solutions introduced
July 12th, 2013 MM - continuation for changed alpha introduced
July 15th, 2013 MM - defined and found starting fixpoints. Major edit: removed "old" code not used for new approach
July 22-25th, 2013 MM - forked "C" version -> BSLIP now runs
Step 5: New approach: "augment" Harti's solutions
Step 6: Compute derivatives dr / dp
General notes
This notebook implements the goals for analyzing the 3D walking gait.
Model parameters have the following structure:
.foot1 (1x3 array) location of foot 1
.foot2 (1x3 array) location of foot 2
.m (float) mass
.g (1x3 array) vector of gravity
.lp1 (4x float) list of leg parameters for leg 1
for SLIP: [l0, k, alpha, beta] (may be overwritten in derived models)
.lp2 (4x float) list of leg parameters for leg 2
In [ ]:
# Import libraries
#from models import bslip
import bslip
from bslip import (ICeuklid_to_ICcircle, ICcircle_to_ICeuklid, circ2normal_param, new_stridefunction,
vis_sim, stridefunction)
from copy import deepcopy # e.g. for jacobian calculation
import mutils.misc as mi
import as mio
import sys
#define functions
def new_stridefunction_E(pbase, E_des, p_red):
f = new_stridefunction(pbase)
def innerfunction(IC_red):
IC = ICe_to_ICc(IC_red, E_des, p_red[0], pbase['m'], l0 = pbase['lp1'][1])
return f(IC, p_red)[[0,1,3,4]]
return innerfunction
def new_stridefunction_E2(pbase, E_des, p_red):
f = stridefunction(pbase)
def innerfunction(IC_red):
IC = ICe_to_ICc(IC_red, E_des, p_red[0], pbase['m'], l0 = pbase['lp1'][1])
return f(IC, p_red)[[0,1,3,4]]
return innerfunction
In [ ]:
# cell_ID def_funs
# IC_circle: [y, vy, |v|, |l|, phiv]
def getEnergy(IC_circle, k1, m=80, l0=1):
""" returns the energy of the given state (and with specified params). (the constant
term mc**2 is neglected)
IC_circle: the initial conditions in circular form
k1 : leg stiffness of contact leg
m : mass
l0 : leg rest length
E: the total energy of the system
E_kin = m * .5 * IC_circle[2]**2
E_pot = 9.81 * m * IC_circle[0]
E_spring = .5 * k1 * (IC_circle[3] - l0)**2
return E_kin + E_pot + E_spring
def ICe_to_ICc(ICr, E_des, k1, m=80, l0=1):
returns circular ICs with a fixed energy.
ICr: the reduced circular ICs: [y, vy, |l|, vphi]
E: the desired energy
k1 : leg stiffness of contact leg
m : mass
l0 : leg rest length
ICc: (circular) initial conditions
ICc = zeros(5)
ICc[[0,1,3,4]] = ICr
# compute velocity magnitude separately
vmag2 = 2 * (E_des - getEnergy(ICc, k1, m) ) / m
if vmag2 >= 0:
ICc[2] = sqrt(vmag2)
raise ValueError("Velocity magnitude must be imaginary!")
return ICc
def deltafun_E_base(ICe, p_red, p_base):
""" returns the difference of the IC minus the final state """
f = new_stridefunction(p_base)
ICc = ICe_to_ICc(ICe, E_des, p_red[0], p_base['m'], l0 = p_base['lp1'][1])
return array(f(ICc, p_red))[[0,1,3,4]] - array(ICe)
def deltafun_E_base2(ICe, p_red, p_base):
""" returns the difference of the IC minus the final state """
f = stridefunction(p_base)
ICc = ICe_to_ICc(ICe, E_des, p_red[0], p_base['m'], l0 = p_base['lp1'][1])
return array(f(ICc, p_red))[[0,1,3,4]] - array(ICe)
def getPS(ICr, pred, pbase, E_des, maxStep=.1, debug=False, rcond=1e-7, maxnorm=5e-6, maxrep_inner=12,
get_EV = False, h=1e-4, quiet=True):
searches a periodic solution
ICr [array (4)]: reduced initial conditions to start from: [y, vy, |l|, vphi]
pred: reduced set of parameters - either length 4 or 8
length 4: k1, k2, alpha, beta
length 8: k1, k2, alpha1, alpha2, beta1, beta2, l01, l02
pbase: base set of parameters
quiet(bool): do not write debug output
(stable, ICp): stable is True if the solution is stable, and ICp give the periodic solution
in circular coordinates (5x)
RuntimeError: if too many iterations were necessary
# set algorithm parameter
stab_thresh = 1.00 # maximum value for largest EV such that solution is considered stable.
all_norms = []
if len(pred) == 4:
deltafun_E = lambda x: deltafun_E_base(x, pred, pbase)
elif len(pred) == 8:
deltafun_E = lambda x: deltafun_E_base2(x, pred, pbase)
raise ValueError("illegal format of pred: length must be 4 or 8")
IC_next_E = ICr.copy()
n_bisect_max = 4
nrep = 0
# This is the Newton-Raphson algorithm (except that the inverse is replaced by a pseudo-inverse)
r_norm = norm(deltafun_E(IC_next_E)) #some high value
while r_norm > maxnorm and nrep < maxrep_inner:
J = mi.calcJacobian(deltafun_E, IC_next_E, h=h)
# compute step (i.e. next IC). limit stepsize (only if start is too far away from convergence)
delta0 = - dot(pinv(J, rcond=rcond), deltafun_E(IC_next_E)).squeeze()
if norm(delta0) > maxStep:
delta0 = delta0 / norm(delta0) * maxStep
if not quiet:
if not quiet:
# update position
IC_next_E = IC_next_E + delta0
nrep += 1
r_norm_old = r_norm
r_norm = norm(deltafun_E(IC_next_E))
# check if norm decreased - else, do a bisection back to the original point
if r_norm > r_norm_old:
# error: distance INcreased instead of decreased!
new_dsts = []
smallest_idx = 0
maxnorm_bs = r_norm
if not quiet:
sys.stdout.write('x(%1.2e)' % r_norm)
for niter_bs in range(5):
IC_next_E = IC_next_E - (.5)**(niter_bs + 1) * delta0
new_dsts.append([IC_next_E.copy(), norm(deltafun_E(IC_next_E))])
if new_dsts[-1][1] < maxnorm_bs:
maxnorm_bs = new_dsts[-1][1]
smallest_idx = niter_bs
IC_next_E = new_dsts[smallest_idx][0]
if r_norm < maxnorm:
if not quiet:
print " success!",
is_stable = True
IC_circle = ICe_to_ICc(IC_next_E, E_des, pred[0], pbase['m'],l0 = pbase['lp1'][1])
if len(pred) == 4:
f = new_stridefunction_E(pbase, E_des, pred)
f = new_stridefunction_E2(pbase, E_des, pred)
J = mi.calcJacobian(f, IC_next_E)
if max(abs(eig(J)[0])) > stab_thresh:
is_stable = False
if get_EV:
return eig(J)[0], IC_circle
return is_stable, IC_circle
print "number of iterations exceeded - aborting"
print "IC:", IC_next_E
raise RuntimeError("Too many iterations!")
def getEig(sol):
""" returns the eigenvalues of a pair of [icc, pr] """
icc, pr = sol
f = new_stridefunction_E(pbase, E_des, pr)
J = mi.calcJacobian(f, icc[[0,1,3,4]])
return eig(J)[0]
def getR(ICc, pr, pbase):
ICe_v = ICcircle_to_ICeuklid(ICc)
mdl_v = bslip.BSLIP_newTD(bslip.pred_to_p(pbase, pr), ICe_v)
#mdl_v.ode.ODE_ATOL = 1e-11
#mdl_v.ode.ODE_RTOL = 1e-12
#mdl_v.ode.ODE_EVTTOL = 1e-12
# make first two steps for calculating walking radius
for rep in range(2):
_ = mdl_v.do_step()
l_v = norm(mdl_v.state[:3] - ICe_v[:3]) # this works *only* because the height is equal!
phi0_v = arctan2(ICe_v[5], ICe_v[3])
phiE_v = arctan2(mdl_v.state[5], mdl_v.state[3])
deltaPhi_v = phiE_v - phi0_v
if abs(deltaPhi_v) < 1e-5:
r = 1e9
r = l_v / (2. * sin(.5 * deltaPhi_v))
return r
In [ ]:
# start model with an almost circular-periodic, stable solution, and visualize the result
mdl = bslip.BSLIP_newTD(bslip.demo_p, bslip.demo_IC)
for rep in arange(20):
_ = mdl.do_step()
fig = vis_sim(mdl)
In [ ]:
# select a solution
# requires: p_base, pred, IC0 (ICc-format!)
pr_v = p_red
ICx = array(IC0).copy()
IC_v = ICe_to_ICc(ICx[[0,1,3,4]], E_des, pr_v[0])
print IC_v
pbase = p_base
# create model
ICe_v = ICcircle_to_ICeuklid(IC_v)
mdl_v = bslip.BSLIP_newTD(circ2normal_param(pbase, pr_v), ICe_v)
mdl_v.ode.ODE_ATOL = 1e-11
mdl_v.ode.ODE_RTOL = 1e-12
mdl_v.ode.ODE_EVTTOL = 1e-12
# make first two steps for calculating walking radius
for rep in range(2):
_ = mdl_v.do_step()
l_v = norm(mdl_v.state[:3] - ICe_v[:3]) # this works *only* because the height is equal!
phi0_v = arctan2(ICe_v[5], ICe_v[3])
phiE_v = arctan2(mdl_v.state[5], mdl_v.state[3])
deltaPhi_v = phiE_v - phi0_v
if abs(deltaPhi_v) < 1e-4:
print "walking radius very large (probably > 10km)"
print "walking radius [m]: ", l_v / (2. * sin(.5 * deltaPhi_v))
for rep in range(20):
_ = mdl_v.do_step()
except bslip.SimulationError:
f_v = vis_sim(mdl_v)
for ts_v,td_v, fs_v, fd_v in zip(mdl_v.t_ss_seq, mdl_v.t_ds_seq, mdl_v.forces_ss_seq, mdl_v.forces_ds_seq):
plot(ts_v, fs_v[:,1],'r')
plot(ts_v, fs_v[:,4],'r--')
plot(td_v, fd_v[:,1],'r')
plot(td_v, fd_v[:,4],'r--')
In [ ]:
# take new IC0 from simulation final state
tmp = mdl_v.state.copy()
tmp[:3] -=mdl_v.params['foot1']
print ICeuklid_to_ICcircle(tmp)
IC0 = ICeuklid_to_ICcircle(tmp)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
p_red = array(bslip.demo_p_reduced)
E_des = 816.
p_base = bslip.demo_p
p_base['delta_beta'] = 0
selection = 2
# periodic solution 1:
if selection == 1:
p_red[0] = p_red[1] = 14000
p_red[2] = 69. * pi / 180.
p_red[3] = .05
## ?? IC0 = array([ 0.93358044, 0.43799566, 1.25842366, 0.94657333, -0.10969046]) # already periodic (?)
IC0 = array([ 0.93358034, 0.43799844, 1.25842356, 0.94657321, 0.10969058]) # beta=.05
#IC0 = array([ 0.93358039, 0.45195548, 1.26003517, 0.94679076, 0.21853576]) # beta=.1
elif selection == 2:
# periodic solution 2: (asymmetric stance phase)
p_red[0] = p_red[1] = 14000
p_red[2] = 72.5 * pi / 180.
p_red[3] = 0.05
#IC0 = array([ 0.92172543, 0.40671347 , 1.1950172, 0.92609043 , 0. ]) # periodic for beta = 0, alpha=72.5
IC0 = array([ 0.9308592, 0.3793116, 1.19155584, 0.9360028, 0.1597469 ]) # for beta=.05, alpha=72.5
#IC0 = array([ 0.93011364, 0.39346135, 1.19332777, 0.93554008, 0.31541887]) # for beta=.1, alpha=72.5
# periodic, for beta=0, alpha=73. very very marginally stable: |ev| = .992|.984 (step|stride):
#IC0 = array([ 0.9278273, 0.34175418, 1.17852052 , 0.93208755 , 0.])
elif selection == 3:
# periodic solution 3:
p_red[0] = p_red[1] = 20000
p_red[2] = 76.5 * pi / 180.
p_red[3] = 0.1
#p_red[3] = 0.0
#IC0 = array([ 0.96030477, 0.30256976, 1.15633538, 0.985058303, -0.11240564])
#IC0 = array([ 0.97043906, 0.29739433, 1.0840199, 0.97280541, 0. ]) # for beta=0; not really periodic (2e-4)
IC0 = array([ 0.97236992, 0.18072418, 1.0718928, 0.97368293, 0. ]) # for beta=0, alpha=76.5
IC0 = array([ 0.97236992, 0.17616847, 1.07200705, 0.97370148, 0.22353624]) # for beta=.5, alpha=76.5
IC0 = array([ 0.97237007, 0.16336241, 1.07238146, 0.97376284, 0.44756444]) # for beta=.5, alpha=76.5
#IC0 = array([0.9709, 0.34167, 1.0855, 0.973732, 0.15846])
#IC0 = array([ 0.97028136, 0.30045474, 1.08604313, 0.97290092, 0.16489379])
#ICe = IC0[[0,1,3,4]]
#[ 0.97029372 0.2972158 0.97289854 0.16536238]
#ICe = array([ 0.97050506, 0.30422253, 0.97301987, 0.06965177])
##print ICe_to_ICc(ICe, E_des, p_red[0])
raise NotImplementedError("No valid selection - select solution 1,2, or 3")
ICe = IC0[[0,1,3,4]] # remove |v| -> this will be determined from the system energy
evs, IC = getPS(ICe, p_red, p_base, E_des, get_EV = True, maxnorm=1e-5, rcond=1e-7, maxStep=.1, maxrep_inner=10, h=1e-4)
print IC
print "max. ev:", max(abs(evs))
In [ ]:
#IC0 = ICx
ICe = array(IC0)[[0,1,3,4]]
print "periodicity:", deltafun_E_base2(ICe, prx, p_base)
print "eigenvalues (mag.):", abs(evs)
In [ ]:
import as mio
# "A"
solutions_fname = "A_sols5_new.list"
IC0 = array([ 0.93358034, 0.43799844, 1.25842356, 0.94657321, 0.10969058])
pr0 = [14000, 14000, 69.*pi / 180, 69 * pi / 180, .05, -.05, 1., 1.]
#IC0 = array([ 0.93358039, 0.45195548, 1.26003517, 0.94679076, 0.21853576])
#pr0 = [14000, 14000, 69.*pi / 180, 69 * pi / 180, .1, -.1, 1., 1.]
# "B"
#solutions_fname = "B_sols5_new.list"
#pr0 = [14000, 14000, 72.5 *pi / 180, 72.5 * pi / 180, .05, -.05, 1., 1.]
#IC0 = array([ 0.9308592, 0.3793116, 1.19155584, 0.9360028, 0.1597469 ]) # for beta=.05, alpha=72.5
#IC0 = array([ 0.93011364, 0.39346135, 1.19332777, 0.93554008, 0.31541887]) # for beta=.1, alpha=72.5
# "C"
#solutions_fname = "C_sols5_new.list"
#pr0 = [20000, 20000, 76.5 *pi / 180, 76.5 * pi / 180, .05, -.05, 1., 1.]
#IC0 = array([ 0.97236992, 0.17616847, 1.07200705, 0.97370148, 0.22353624]) # for beta=.5, alpha=76.5
#IC0 = array([ 0.97237007, 0.16336241, 1.07238146, 0.97376284, 0.44756444]) # for beta=.5, alpha=76.5
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
# revised: april 25th, 2014
#solutions_fname = "bslip_results/B_sols5_new_rev2.list"
solutions_fname = "bslip_results/B_sols10_new_rev2.list"
# "B"
#solutions_fname = "B_sols5_new.list"
#pr0 = [14000, 14000, 72.5 *pi / 180, 72.5 * pi / 180, .05, -.05, 1., 1.]
#IC0 = array([ 0.9308592, 0.3793116, 1.19155584, 0.9360028, 0.1597469 ]) # for beta=.05, alpha=72.5
pr0 = [14000, 14000, 72.5 *pi / 180, 72.5 * pi / 180, .1, -.1, 1., 1.]
IC0 = array([ 0.93011364, 0.39346135, 1.19332777, 0.93554008, 0.31541887]) # for beta=.1, alpha=72.5
In [ ]:
# init the loop
ICa = IC0.copy()
all_solutions = [] # format: [IC, px, r, evs]
signs = [1, -1]
#signs = [-1, ]
In [ ]:
delta_k = 0
step_k = -50 #kN / m
delta_alpha = 0
step_alpha = .1 * pi / 180. # radiant!
In [ ]:
quiet = True
for sgn in signs:
delta_alpha = 0
ICa = IC0.copy()
#if True:
while True:
pr0a = array(pr0)
pr0a[2] += delta_alpha / 2.
pr0a[3] -= delta_alpha / 2.
print "new round:",
evs, IC = getPS(ICa[[0,1,3,4]], pr0a, p_base, E_des, get_EV = True, maxnorm=2e-5, rcond=2e-7,
maxStep=.025, maxrep_inner=10, h=5e-5)
except Exception:
print "fixpoint search failed",
print "delta alpha", delta_alpha,
if sgn > 0:
print "(+)",
print "(-)", "-> done!"
if max(abs(evs)) > 1:
print "delta alpha", delta_alpha,
if sgn > 0:
print "(+)",
print "(-)",
print "lead to instability!"
r = getR(IC, pr0a, p_base)
if not quiet:
print "dk=0, da=", delta_alpha, " -> r=", r
all_solutions.append([array(IC), array(pr0a), r, array(evs)])
delta_k = step_k # for delta_k = 0: already found!
n_solutions_dk = 0
ICx = IC.copy()
ICa = IC.copy()
while True:
prx = array(pr0a)
prx[0] += delta_k / 2.
prx[1] -= delta_k / 2.
evs, IC = getPS(ICx[[0,1,3,4]], prx, p_base, E_des, get_EV = True, maxnorm=2e-5, rcond=2e-7,
maxStep=.1, maxrep_inner=10, h=1e-4)
except Exception:
if max(abs(evs)) > 1:
r = getR(IC, prx, p_base)
if not quiet:
print "k:", prx[:2], " -> r=", r
n_solutions_dk += 1
all_solutions.append([array(IC), array(prx), r, array(evs)])
# prepare new round
ICx = array(IC)
delta_k += step_k
if n_solutions_dk == 0:
delta_alpha += sgn * step_alpha
mio.msave(solutions_fname, all_solutions)
In [ ]:
evs, IC = getPS(ICe, px, p_base, E_des, get_EV = True, maxnorm=1e-5, rcond=1e-7, maxStep=.1, maxrep_inner=10, h=1e-4)
#evs, ICp = getPS(IC0[[0,1,3,4]], px, p_base, E_des, maxnorm=1e-5, get_EV = True)
print IC0
print IC
print abs(evs)
In [ ]:
f2 = stridefunction(p_base)
In [ ]:
delta_alpha += sgn * step_alpha
In [ ]:
#f2(IC0, px)
# hint: for plotting use griddata()!
for sol in all_solutions:
ps = sol[1]
plot(ps[0] - ps[1], ps[2] - ps[3], 'b.')
In [ ]:
def deltafun_E_base2(ICe, p_red, p_base):
""" returns the difference of the IC minus the final state """
f = stridefunction(p_base)
ICc = ICe_to_ICc(ICe, E_des, p_red[0], p_base['m'], l0 = p_base['lp1'][1])
return array(f(ICc, p_red))[[0,1,3,4]] - array(ICe)
print deltafun_E_base2(ICe, px, p_base)
In [ ]:
import as mio
# "A"
solutions_fname = "A_sols5_new_al0.list"
IC0 = array([ 0.93358034, 0.43799844, 1.25842356, 0.94657321, 0.10969058])
pr0 = [14000, 14000, 69.*pi / 180, 69 * pi / 180, .05, -.05, 1., 1.]
#solutions_fname = "A_sols10_new_al0.list"
#IC0 = array([ 0.93358039, 0.45195548, 1.26003517, 0.94679076, 0.21853576])
#pr0 = [14000, 14000, 69.*pi / 180, 69 * pi / 180, .1, -.1, 1., 1.]
# "B"
solutions_fname = "B_sols5_new_al0.list"
pr0 = [14000, 14000, 72.5 *pi / 180, 72.5 * pi / 180, .05, -.05, 1., 1.]
IC0 = array([ 0.9308592, 0.3793116, 1.19155584, 0.9360028, 0.1597469 ]) # for beta=.05, alpha=72.5
#IC0 = array([ 0.93011364, 0.39346135, 1.19332777, 0.93554008, 0.31541887]) # for beta=.1, alpha=72.5
# "C"
#solutions_fname = "C_sols5_new_al0.list"
#pr0 = [20000, 20000, 76.5 *pi / 180, 76.5 * pi / 180, .05, -.05, 1., 1.]
#IC0 = array([ 0.97236992, 0.17616847, 1.07200705, 0.97370148, 0.22353624]) # for beta=.5, alpha=76.5
#pr0 = [20000, 20000, 76.5 *pi / 180, 76.5 * pi / 180, .1, -.1, 1., 1.]
#solutions_fname = "C_sols10_new_al0.list"
#IC0 = array([ 0.97237007, 0.16336241, 1.07238146, 0.97376284, 0.44756444]) # for beta=.1, alpha=76.5
In [ ]:
# init the loop
ICa = IC0.copy()
all_solutions = [] # format: [IC, px, r, evs]
signs = [1, -1]
#signs = [-1, ]
In [ ]:
delta_l = 0
step_l = .0001 # m
delta_alpha = 0
step_alpha = .1 * pi / 180. # radiant!
In [ ]:
for sgn in signs:
delta_alpha = 0
ICa = IC0.copy()
#if True:
while True:
pr0a = array(pr0)
pr0a[2] += delta_alpha / 2.
pr0a[3] -= delta_alpha / 2.
print "new round:",
evs, IC = getPS(ICa[[0,1,3,4]], pr0a, p_base, E_des, get_EV = True, maxnorm=2e-5, rcond=2e-7,
maxStep=.025, maxrep_inner=10, h=5e-5)
except Exception:
print "fixpoint search failed",
print "delta alpha", delta_alpha,
if sgn > 0:
print "(+)",
print "(-)", "-> done!"
if max(abs(evs)) > 1:
print "delta alpha", delta_alpha,
if sgn > 0:
print "(+)",
print "(-)",
print "lead to instability!"
r = getR(IC, pr0a, p_base)
print "dl=0, da=", delta_alpha, " -> r=", r
all_solutions.append([array(IC), array(pr0a), r, array(evs)])
delta_l = step_l # for delta_l = 0: already found!
n_solutions_dk = 0
ICx = IC.copy()
ICa = IC.copy()
while True:
prx = array(pr0a)
prx[6] += delta_l / 2.
prx[7] -= delta_l / 2.
evs, IC = getPS(ICx[[0,1,3,4]], prx, p_base, E_des, get_EV = True, maxnorm=2e-5, rcond=2e-7,
maxStep=.1, maxrep_inner=10, h=1e-4)
except Exception:
if max(abs(evs)) > 1:
r = getR(IC, prx, p_base)
print "l:", prx[6:8], " -> r=", r
n_solutions_dk += 1
all_solutions.append([array(IC), array(prx), r, array(evs)])
# prepare new round
ICx = array(IC)
delta_l += step_l
if n_solutions_dk == 0:
delta_alpha += sgn * step_alpha
mio.msave(solutions_fname, all_solutions)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
# --- initialize section and get periodic solution
E_des = 816. # must be a global name
if not 'ws6' in locals():
ws6 = mio.saveable()
ws6.selection = 1 # 1=A, 2=B, 3=C
ws6.beta = .05
ws6.p_red = array(bslip.demo_p_reduced)
ws6.E_des = 816.
ws6.p_base = bslip.demo_p
ws6.p_base['delta_beta'] = 0
if ws6.selection == 1:
ws6.p_red[0] = ws6.p_red[1] = 14000
ws6.p_red[2] = 69. * pi / 180.
ws6.p_red[3] = ws6.beta
IC0 = array([ 0.93358034, 0.43799844, 1.25842356, 0.94657321, 0.10969058]) # beta=.05
elif ws6.selection == 2:
ws6.p_red[0] = ws6.p_red[1] = 14000
ws6.p_red[2] = 72.5 * pi / 180.
ws6.p_red[3] = ws6.beta
IC0 = array([ 0.9308592, 0.3793116, 1.19155584, 0.9360028, 0.1597469 ]) # for beta=.05, alpha=72.5
#IC0 = array([ 0.93011364, 0.39346135, 1.19332777, 0.93554008, 0.31541887]) # for beta=.1, alpha=72.5
elif ws6.selection == 3:
# periodic solution 3:
ws6.p_red[0] = ws6.p_red[1] = 20000
ws6.p_red[2] = 76.5 * pi / 180.
ws6.p_red[3] = ws6.beta
#p_red[3] = 0.0
#IC0 = array([ 0.96030477, 0.30256976, 1.15633538, 0.985058303, -0.11240564])
IC0 = array([ 0.97237007, 0.16336241, 1.07238146, 0.97376284, 0.44756444]) # for beta=.5, alpha=76.5
raise NotImplementedError("No valid selection - select solution 1,2, or 3")
ICe = IC0[[0,1,3,4]] # remove |v| -> this will be determined from the system energy
ws6.evs, ws6.ICc = getPS(ICe, ws6.p_red, ws6.p_base, ws6.E_des, get_EV = True, maxnorm=1e-7,
rcond=1e-7, maxStep=.1, maxrep_inner=10, h=1e-4)
ws6.ICc_doc = "Initial conditions for the periodic solution (circular coords)"
ws6.ICe = ICcircle_to_ICeuklid(ws6.ICc)
ws6.ICe_doc = "Initial conditions for the periodic solution (euklidean coords)"
ws6.p_red_doc = "reduced set of parameters: k1, k2, alpha, beta"
p = ws6.p_red[:] # shortcut
ws6.p_red8 = array([p[0], p[0], p[2], p[2], p[3], -p[3], 1., 1.])
ws6.p_red8_doc = "reduced (long) set of parameters: k1, k2, alpha1, alpha2, beta1, beta2, l01, l02"
print ws6.ICc
print "max. ev:", max(abs(ws6.evs))
mdl = bslip.BSLIP_newTD(bslip.pred_to_p(ws6.p_base, ws6.p_red8), ws6.ICe)
In [ ]:
import models.bslip as bs
# for symmetric configuration
mdl = bs.BSLIP_newTD(bslip.pred_to_p(ws6.p_base, ws6.p_red8), ws6.ICe)
for rep_run in range(2):
_ = mdl.do_step()
phi0 = arctan2(ws6.ICe[5], ws6.ICe[3]) # initial direction of velocity vector in horizontal plane
phiE = arctan2(mdl.state[5], mdl.state[3]) # final direction of velocity
deltaPhi = phiE - phi0
print "symmetric: delta phi = ", deltaPhi
# meaning of pr: k1, k2, alpha1, alpha2, beta1, beta2, l01, l02
hs = array([100, .001, .001, .0001])
J = []
for pdim, h in enumerate(hs):
dphis = []
for sgn in [1., -1.]:
pr = ws6.p_red8.copy()
pr[pdim * 2] += .5 * h * sgn
if pdim == 2: # delta-beta must be *added* in both directions ( r: +beta + db, l: -beta +db)
pr[pdim * 2 + 1] += .5 * h * sgn
pr[pdim * 2 + 1] -= .5 * h * sgn
ICr = array(ws6.ICc)[[0,1,3,4]]
_, ICc = getPS(ICr, pr, ws6.p_base, ws6.E_des, get_EV = True, maxnorm=1e-7,
rcond=1e-7, maxStep=.1, maxrep_inner=10, h=1e-4)
ICe = ICcircle_to_ICeuklid(ICc)
mdl = bslip.BSLIP_newTD(bslip.pred_to_p(ws6.p_base, pr), ICe)
for rep_run in range(2):
_ = mdl.do_step()
# now, compute walking radius
distance = norm(mdl.state[:3] - ICe[:3]) # this works *only* because the height is equal!
phi0 = arctan2(ICe[5], ICe[3]) # initial direction of velocity vector in horizontal plane
phiE = arctan2(mdl.state[5], mdl.state[3]) # final direction of velocity
deltaPhi = phiE - phi0
curvature = (2. * sin(.5 * deltaPhi)) / distance
dphis.append(curvature) # old: deltaPhi
dphi_dp = (dphis[0] - dphis[1]) / (2*h)
print "influence:", dphi_dp
# --- --- account for dimensions
# scalings = array([1000 * 180 / pi, 1, 1, .01 * 180 / pi]) # scalings for rotation of direction [deg]
scalings = array([1000, pi/180, pi/180, .001]) * 1000 # scalings for curvature
units = ['1 /km kN', '1 /km deg', '1 /km deg', '1 / km mm']
parlbls = ['k ', 'alpha ', 'beta ', 'l0 ']
print "\n\nsolution type: " + 'ABC'[ws6.selection - 1] + " with delta beta: {:+.4f}".format(ws6.beta)
print "total influence:\n", '\n'.join([par + " {:+.4f} ".format(s*c) + ' ' + u for par, s, c, u in
zip(parlbls, scalings, J, units)])
the radius of a quasi-periodic solution can be computed as
$r = \frac{\large l}{\large 2 \sin{(\Delta \varphi / 2)}}$,
where $l$ is the absolute distance between CoM at start and end of a stride, and $\Delta \varphi$ is the angle between initial and final CoM velocity in horizontal plane.
Here, we are mostly interested in "functional" asymmetries of the leg - asymmetries that are not apparent like different leg lengths. These can be differences in the leg strength, here represented by different leg stiffnesses $k$, or differences in the leg swing policies, here represented by different angles of attack $\alpha$.
For completion, we also demonstrate that the "apparent" asymmetries like in leg length or lateral leg placement also yield circular walking behavior.
We investigated three different kind of periodic motions, as already found by Geyer: two different kind of symmetric motions, and an asymmetric motion. We selected three parameter sets similar to Geyer's A,B,C points, but changed them slightly towards configurations with increased stability.